Horsfall Street, Morley, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS27 9QY


Asquith Primary School

Growing to Succeed

Parent Voice

We want to know what you think and are always looking for ways in which we can improve our school.

Our Parent Voice group has been set up to provide a regular opportunity for you to talk to us about the things that you would like us to change - or to let us know the things you are really happy about at school!

It is an informal meeting over a cup of tea so please come along and join us!

The next meeting is on Friday 8th February at 9.00am.

Parent Voice 8th February 2019


Meeting 3- 15.3.19

Posted: Mar 18, 2019 by: joanne on: Parent Voice Blog

Thank you to those of you who attended this week, it has been lovely seeing familiar faces each week for consistency. If you are interested however, in attending future meetings, please do not hesitate to come along! Mrs Austerfield is changing the meeting times to the afternoon instead (time TBC).

This week, Mrs Holdsworth attended the meeting to discuss the proposed RSE curriculum, and ask for your feedback. This was met very positively, and a good discussion was had about the terminology used and the content of the lessons in each year group. Thank you for your positive input! The general consensus with the parents who attended was acceptance of the changes that have come into play and the lessons to be taught in each year group. The parents thought that it was a good idea to be informing children of changes in bodies, healthy relationships and the correct terminology to be using during RSE lessons to eliminate misconceptions and allow them to be armed with a good knowledge as early as was appropriate. The RSE framework was agreed by the parents and has also been involved in consultations with the governors. 

Thank you again to all who were able to attend. We hope to see you again next time. Please see this blog for any updates on timings for future meetings.


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